331. Dunklee House (FY 1777)

331. Dunklee House (FY 1777)
1400 Clover Street
Contributing, 1916

The Dunklee House is a two-story frame Craftsman style house with a combination of weatherboarded first story, wood shingled second story, and granite chimney and front porch skirt, foundation, and steps. Other features which contribute to the style of the house include a broad gable roof with overhanging braced eaves, twelve-over-one sash windows, and a second story rear sleeping porch. The house is well preserved except for the facade, which has been altered with a partially enclosed porch with a mock mansard roof, a covered deck at second floor level, and a side iron stair. It appears obvious, however, that most, if not all, of the original facade fabric remains intact and could be restored with little difficulty, so that despite the changes the house remains a contributing element in the West End.


Lettie L. Dunklee purchased the property in 1915 and by 1917 the house was shown on the Sanborn Hap. The following year Frank G. and Lettie L. Dunklee were listed at this location in the city directory. Frank Dunklee was manager of the Zinzendorf Laundry. The Dunklee family owned and occupied the property until the mid-1940’s. (TR, SH, CD)