130 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1892-1894
Listed in the National Register along with its companion cottage next door, the Poindexter House is one of the most outstanding examples of the Queen Anne style remaining in Winston-Salem. It is a large two-story frame dwelling of irregular massing, with a combination of German siding and decorative wood shingle work, projecting bays, a corner tower, a fanciful wrap-around porch, a second floor balcony, and a variety of ornamentation typical of its style.
Built in 1892-1894 for merchant Henry Dalton Poindexter, the house was originally located at the SW corner of w. Fifth and Spruce Streets. It was moved to its present site in 1978 in order to save it from the planned expansion of the Integon Corporation. (See Inventory 31 for more information). Since its move, the house has been undergoing a sensitive rehabilitation, which has included a return to what are believed to have been the original exterior paint colors — rust with cream and green trim. (NRN)