314. Harry H. Davis House (FY 1765)
1408 Brookstown Avenue
Contributing, 1923-1924
The Davis House is one of the most outstanding Craftsman style dwellings in the West End. The richly detailed one-and-a-half-story frame house is characterized by a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled upper story, a steep front gable and multiple side gables (each with overhanging bracketed eaves and a simple bargeboard), grouped nine-over-one and six-over-one sash windows (those on the front gable with a battered surround to match the front door), stained glass windows, and a front porch with tapered wood posts on brick plinths and a brick balustrade with Craftsman window boxes.
The property was purchased by Harry H. Davis in 1923, and by 1924 he and his wife, Lena, were listed at this location in the city directory. Davis sold the house in 1928, and it appears to have been used primarily thereafter as rental property. (TR, CD, SM)