304. Thomas-McClung House (FY 1757)
1315 Brookstown Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1917
Perched high atop a terraced hill with a stone retaining wall, the Thomas-McClung House reflects a combination of influences from the Craftsman, Prairie, and Colonial Revival styles. The two-story frame house has a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled second story, a hip roof which flares out at the dramatically overhanging eaves, a matching front dormer, twelve-over-one sash windows, and a wrap-around porch with paneled posts, a plain balustrade, and an upper deck with a wood shingled balustrade.
The house was first listed in the city directories in 1918 as the residence of Gilmer c. and Elsie Thomas. In 1920 it was purchased by Johnathan A. McClung, a dentist, and his wife, Louise Pepper (see #109). The house remained in their family ownership until 1950. (SM, CD, TR)