301. Gladstone Apartments (FY 1754)
1301 Brookstown Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1929
The Gladstone Apartments illustrates the good quality of the several apartment buildings which were erected in the West End during the 1920’s. It is a three-story common bond brick building with a parapeted cornice, double-leaf French doors which open to small balconies, paired and tripled six-over-one sash windows, and third floor windows with round or segmental-arched lintels and decorative red and green tile work.
The first reference to the Gladstone Apartments came in the 1930 city directory, and it was probably built by H. Emmette Powell and Fulton Conrad, who owned the property from 1928 to 1936. Thereafter ownership changed several times until Elizabeth Holton Yates purchased it in 1939. The apartments remain in Yates family ownership. (CD, TR, SH)
Garage, Contributing: Behind the building is a two-car brick garage with a shed roof, which appears to be contemporary with the apartments.