244. Shapiro House (FY 1702)
824 Carolina Avenue
Contributing, 1923
The Shapiro House is a two-story stuccoed dwelling designed in the Craftsman style so typical of the period. It has a steep gable roof with flared eaves, an unusual truncated gable dormer, sets of three six-over-one sash windows, and an engaged left front corner porch with flared eaves and heavy stuccoed columns. The garage behind the house is shared with 820 Carolina Avenue (See #243 for more information).
In 1923 Abraham and Rachel Shapiro purchased the property and their house was built immediately thereafter. Shapiro ran a ladies ready-to-wear and shoe store. Also living in the house were Moses and Ida Shapiro. He was an attorney who was the assistant city solicitor. The Shapiro family owned the property until 1965, and the present owners purchased it in 1968. (TR, CD, SM)